A year at U of R

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Friday, June 09, 2006

Why don't you become a doctor?

Why don't you go to medical school? Has anyone asked you this? I think most people, myself included, have only a vague idea what nurses do. Don't they just assist doctors? They take orders, do what the doctors say, and administer the drugs the doctors prescribe. Why wouldn't you want to be a doctor, then? Why a nurse?

Nursing at U of R seems to be treated 100% equally in its own right to medical school or dentistry.

I'm one of the Fuld fellow, a nursing research fellowship that is given each year. As part of the fellowship, I'll participate in a research project. I just had a look at the list of possible projects. They are all major studies doing primary research, funded by institutions like the NIH, conducted by NURSES (no, not M.D.'s)! I didn't even know that nurses were involved in conducting their own major funded research, published in peer-reviewed journals.

On a smaller scale, I expected Miner Medical library to cater primarily to medical students. I was amazed to find that the reference librarians at know all of the nursing instructors, the nursing curriculum and what each teacher covers. They teach us how to do primary research using all of the major online medical, clinical and pharmacological databases. Highlighted on the library homepage, right underneath OVID/MEDLINE, is the primary nursing research database of I think 6,500 different nursing journals.

I get the feeling that the medical, dental, and nursing schools all have fairly close ties. One day, the nursing school lecture hall was in use, so our class was in the lecture hall across the street at the medical school. For our genetics class, we'll have a doctor come over from the medical school to give a lecture in his specialty.

I could go on and on, I will at some point. For the moment, just know that I'm not becoming a doctor anytime soon.