Urinary catheters and restraints

Here I am with an instructor, learning how to insert a urinary catheter. Labs are becoming rapidly more involved. Our last two days of labs have involved giving oxygen via many different types of masks and systems, applying wet dressings to wounds, inserting urinary catheters into male and female manikins, applying restraints, and helping clients use bedpans.
The teaching is fantastic, though. For the catheter lab, we broke down into even smaller groups, with six students per instructor.
It's pretty amazing that this is week 9, and we're already learning to insert catheters. The scariest part is that next week, we may have to apply all that we've learned.

I've heard via word of mouth that after next week, when we have clinicals in a long-term care facility, my group will be in the urology department at Strong Memorial Hospital. Wow, lots of opportunities to insert catheters there!
Here, I've managed to subdue a combatant classmate. He was getting a little out of hand. How often do you get to fight with your classmates, and then pin them down?
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